The church development of LVF deals with the acquisition of Church/Field/Church Institutions lands, dedications of churches and church buildings, land title deeds, and Trust services.
MISSION: To set up a strong field/local church development committee that will mobilize resources and ensure/foster all development agenda of the field/church committee into acquisition of church plots and Title deeds by the end of the three years and to sensitize all church members on the importance of the above.
VISION: A well-constructed modern and secured field residential houses/schools/diagnostic center/office block and local church buildings on plots with Title Deeds, insurance covers and enough space for future developments.
METHODOLOGY: To hold seminars, workshops and advocacy meetings all over to secure all our buildings and plots by acquiring the Title deeds and proper land agreement documents.
Ministry is high privilege of divine appointment to humankind by Christ Him-self. Since tis of divine instigation. Lake Victoria Field ministers do recognize that it is the greatest work, the noblest effort, in which men engage to point sinners to the Lamb of God. As true ministers, we are co-laborers with the Lord in the accomplishment of His great commission and of His purposes.
OUR MISSION: As true ministers and co-laborers with the Lord, in the quite, consistent life of pure, true Christianity we shall call people to become disciples of Jesus Christ and to proclaim the everlasting gospel embraced by the three angel’s in preparing the world for His soon return.
OUR VISION: Lake Victoria ministers/elders/deacons and deaconesses whose lives are fully surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and are co-laborers with the Lord as the stars in the palm of His right hand, forming part of the prophetic messengers enlisted by God for the end time message, ushers Christ’s blessed and glorious return.
OUR MOTTO: Ling the Gospel in the eloquence of words in the quiet, consistent life of a pure, true Christian.
Only after personal encounter with Christ shall I go Lord.
- To strengthen devotional life in pastors, pastors wives, pastors’ kids deacons, deaconesses, and their homes.
- To nurture believers in lives of discipleship and to involve them in service.
- To conduct meeting for retirees.
- To conduct conference wide ministerial council.
- To conduct elders certification program.
- To train deacons and deaconesses.
- To start continuing education for pastors
- To start continuing education for shepherdess.
- Team pastors kid’s ministry.
The family ministries seek to strengthen, inspire hope and bring redemptive healing to married couples, families and individuals through the abundant love and saving grace of Jesus Christ shared in the close family circle, to prepare them for the kingdom of God and the soon coming of Jesus Christ.
OUR MISSION: The mission of family ministries in Lake Victoria field is to make each family a model and a symbol of the Lord who dwells, on mount Zion that in the quiet consistent pure life of true Christianity they make other families become disciples of Jesus Christ and prepare them for His soon return.
OUR VISION: In harmony with the redemptive will of God, family ministries in Lake Victoria Field sees the restoration of all families, family members and imperfect families through family altar before the close of the time.
OUR MOTTO: Each family an evangelistic center: Jeremiah 13:20
Here I am oh Lord with the children you gave me: Isaiah 8:18
- To strengthen family worship
- To strengthen marital relationship
- To strengthen family relationship
- To strengthen fellowship among Adventist families.
- To strengthen self-support in the family.
- To strengthen family unity.
- To involve family members on ‘”total members involvement”.
- To encourage to marry within the church and be married by the church.
Family ministries seeks to enable families to stretched towards divine ideals, while at the same time extending the good news of God saving grace and the promise of growth possible by the indwelling Spirit through the family to family ministries. Focusing on people in family relationship, family reinforces and encourages wholesome families as they pass through life’s predictable stages and content with unexpected changes in the pilgrimage. It extends hope and support to those who have been injured and hurt by abuse, family dysfunction, and broken relationships.